Monday, July 27, 2009

Jesus' Slinger

So, a neighbor of mine invited us to her church last week and honestly, I'm not really into doing the "Jesus" thing, but she coaxed me into it when she started saying that they had classes for the kids and I would get to pray alone. TRANSLATION: I get to be kid free for almost 2 hours! I'M IN! (It doesn't take much for me to accept quiet time.)

When we got there I dropped my very eager children off to their prayer rooms and headed up the stairs with Lynda. I was really not prepared for what I was about to see. It was a dimly lit auditorium with 7 singers on stage, a mega screen behind them and one off to each side of them. I. Had. Entered. A. Concert. For. Jesus. These singers where clutching their hands to their hearts eyes closed and heads tilted back, while the audience were swaying side to side with their palms up. So what I noticed first was how many thugs there were for Jesus. I mean, dudes laced in gold. But on the verge of tears! and there I was thinking "You betta pray to Jesus drugs don't become legal because then you could kiss yo' money goodbye!" and then I heard it.... The message I was there to hear... It may have been Jesus himself who leaned in and grabbed my attention but the Jesus Slinger said "We should not judge one another! We should not look at what one has or doesn't have and make judgement!" Quickly I started looking around the room. My eyes were darting from one face to another.... "Had they heard me?" But no one looked back. In fact no one even cared who the hell I was, they were just shouting out random "Amens". And as the Slinger was Slingin' I start getting a terrible bellyache. All the while thinking "Did I really have to eat that pasta with veggies before church?" Sho' nuff I excused myself and went to the restroom. And of course I got my period! UGH.... you gotta be kidding me?! So I run upstairs, back in the now smoke filled auditorium, back to my assigned seat and say "Lynda, I just got my period. I'm gonna have to lea...." and she leans into me and grabs my hand and says, with love in her eyes "Honey, now that's Jesus!"

And there you have it y'all... JESUS IS ALIVE!!

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Monday, July 06, 2009

The King is dead

and no, I don't mean Elvis.

I mean the man I was supposed to marry between the tender ages of 8-14. Sadly, it didn't work out between us... I wasn't a boy. (ahhhh, I'm just kidding)

I know that this post is late, he died nearly 2 weeks ago, but I just couldn't articulate how I felt about Michael's passing. I did however Twitter like mad! It was a really bad day.... to say the least for me. And just about anyone who knew me knew I would be upset. My mom called ASAP "Heather, are you ok?" as if my real life husband had just died. (hmmmmmm, there's a thought to put a smile on a mean girls face) She continued to say "I just know you really love him honey...." and that was the truth.

You see, when I was younger I used to sing. The real deal. I had a coach. I had a great family that was an even greater fan club and I had my husband Michael. So, needless to say, when I gave my "autograph" to people, it said "Heather Jackson". I had the MJ jacket, a hand me down from my cousin, which made me love it even more. I had a life sized BAD poster in my room and talked to Mike often. (I've always had a thing for men with eyeliner)I watched his videos over and over again. I studied the sleeves to his albums, the inner art work as well as the lyrics. I wished I was Brooke Sheilds (someone who's beauty I didn't appreciate till I was in my 30's) I even got angry when people made fun of him. It was an attack on me as well. Hell, I loved that man so much that I often say to this very day, "Thank god I didn't have sons in my Michael hay day, or I would have gladly (perhaps stupidly) given them over to him."

I was a believer.

So Mike's later life became wrought with sex scandals and financial woes. He stopped making music, went under the radar and raised his masked clan. But his music never died. Especially in my house, where my boys have picked up one serious liking for MJ and let me tell you I have made sure their Mike knowledge runs deep. That is a long career to be covered, but they've got it. I started them off with Thriller (the album) Where Billy Jean just jump stared the fever in them. We have spent hours over time you-tubing everything Michael. My son had found things that I had forgotten about, like.... Captin EO?! Remember that one? I used to love it!

Anyway, to celebrate my late husbands (yes, I said it) passing here are some faves that my boys jam to! (What? He's their daddy too ya know!)

From the History DVD (which we own)

You gotta love the Bad ass-ness MJ (tries) to bring here

Unfort, for me (but probably great news for you.... you-tube has a lot of "embedding disabled") So there is what I could find, I could have went on a Mega Michael Mix, but I'll spare you all....

Mrs. Jackson

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